Dear Parents and Carers - a few messages from your child after our last Stay & Bake days

Thank you for coming to help me bake                                        

We worked together to make six snakes                          

We read the recipe on the go

We measured and counted to make our dough

We had fun together to make our food

I learnt lots of new skills - and wasn't I good !



Thank you for coming to stay and bake with me

We worked really hard, didn't we?

We made a spooky spider from a plum

You helped me learn, it was so much fun

Our spider was such a delicious sight

I can't wait to give him a bite.




Thank you for coming to work with me

It made me as happy as can be

I peeled a banana and cut it, too

We used raisins for eyes and icing as glue

He became a banana ghost lollipop

When I started to eat him, I couldn't stop!












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