
Your child's education starts at birth, with you as the first teacher. Your child has already learned how to communicate, the beginnings of how to mix with others and has started to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes. The opportunities and activities that you provide for your child stimulate interest and provoke questions. When you listen attentively, answer questions and give explanations, you are encouraging learning.
Curiosity and the strong will to be independent are the child's way of demonstrating a desire to learn and, at Monkchester Road Nursery; we aim to work with you, to take this desire to learn even further. With your support we aim to provide a safe and stimulating place where EVERY child can grow and develop to achieve their full potential.

We appreciate that you have made an important step forward by allowing us to share with you the education of your child. It is a responsibility that we take most seriously. We look forward to having fun and learning together with you and your child.